ITBP Pays Tribute to Martyrs at National Police Memorial, New Delhi

ITBP Pays Tribute to Martyrs at National Police Memorial, New Delhi
New Delhi, 29th October 2024 – The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) organized a solemn tribute programme at the National Police Memorial, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, to honour the sacrifices of its martyrs. The event featured floral tributes, a salute parade and a stirring band display dedicated to the memory of those who gave their lives in the line of duty.
2. Sh. Rahul Rasgotra, Director General, ITBP, along with Smt. Gauri Rasgotra, Chairperson of the Himveer Wives Welfare Association (HWWA), led the ceremony by felicitating the families of ten brave martyrs, acknowledging their unwavering resilience and sacrifice for the nation. Senior officers, families and dignitaries joined in offering their respects through a ceremonial wreath-laying and homage at the Wall of Valor.
3. Earlier in the morning, a blood donation camp was organized where 80 Himveers voluntarily donated blood, showcasing their commitment to social responsibility. This noble initiative added to the spirit of the day. reinforcing ITBP’s dedication to service both on and off duty.
4. The event concluded with a video presentation showcasing the valour, dedication and contributions of ITBP personnel in safeguarding the nation’s borders.